24th Congress of the European Association for Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgery
18-21 September 2018 - Munich - Germany

Welcome Letter

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Two years ago, when we met in London, we exchanged knowledge and having been inspired by the progress of research in our field, we went home with new ideas and fresh motivation to realise innovations that made sense for our patients. Evidence-based concepts in tumour surgery and virtual planning for almost all reconstructive procedures on the facial skeleton have become standard within the last few years. It is undoubtedly fascinating to see how our specialty evolves continuously and steadily, even if we often think we have already achieved the end of an evolution. It is the spark of science that leads us to new achievements for our patients and nowhere else can we experience that spirit better than at our congresses.

Now our next meeting is just around the corner and I am happy to assure you that this 24th Congress of the EACMFS will be an absolute scientific highlight. The best surgeons, the most experienced clinicians, the most innovative scientists and researchers from all over the world will present their results in their keynote lectures in Munich. At the symposia only speakers with huge expertise will present their concepts and methods and bring the audience up to date with the latest developments in their specific fields of expertise. I am particularly pleased that not only the guest societies from the European countries but, also those from the USA, India and Asia, have put together extremely attractive and clinically relevant programs. Through the young clinicians and scientists in our field about 1400 abstracts were submitted many of which were of excellent quality. With the help of the numerous reviewers, to whom I am very grateful for their assistance, plus the brilliant work of the organizing committee and our PCO, Torres Pardo, we have also been able to put together an excellent program of free lectures and posters. Obtaining continuous and unselfish support in preparing for the Congress by friends and colleagues from around the world was probably the most enjoyable experience I have had during my presidency. Thank you all very much!

Of course, our successful Congresses are no reason to sit back and relax. There is still a great need for further education and concrete assistance in regions where our specialty is in a difficult position. In order to safeguard our own future, the harmonization of capabilities and our level of knowledge demanded by Hugo Obwegeser must definitely be further promoted. This will only succeed if we continuously pass on our knowledge during the periods between our congresses. I have often experienced that the specific support of individual colleagues - from whatever country they come - has borne enormous fruit. The rolling program and the organization of congresses and courses are an integral part of our responsibilities and I thank all those who make observer opportunities and fellowships possible within their departments. In real terms, however, we must also carefully train our own young academics and pass on our knowledge and experience to them because they are the future of our wonderful specialty.

I am pleased to welcome you all to our forthcoming great scientific congress and to a spectacular event of EACMFS in one of the most beautiful cities in the world:

Facing the future - together in Munich!


K.-D. Wolff, President